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The First Step

As a first step you can contact me, or the Lightning Process Head Office in London or any practitioner of your choice with any questions that you may have. 

You will be encouraged to listen to one of the Lightning Process audio downloads that you identify with from the main website, so that you can gain an even greater understanding of its style and approach to see if you are comfortable continuing.

If you do decide that the Lightning Process offers what you are looking for, you can then fill in an online application form, or I can post the form out to you, then myself or the practitioner that you have chosen will complete by phone or over Zoom an assessment questionnaire with you, this is to make sure you are in the best possible position to receive the maximum benefit and value from the training.

I advise potential trainees to speak to several practitioners, this is to make certain in your choice of who you would prefer to train with, as there is research showing that there is a benefit om doing this, even though the training material is the same worldwide.

You will be provided with any pre-coaching that may be of assistance, or areas may be highlighted were you may gain a greater understanding to help you complete the assessment stage.

There are no charges to pay until you have been offered a place on the training course, after completion of your assessment stage, then you can choose to enrol on the course date and venue of your choice.